ASTRAL DIVING 2: Geometric Visions at the Onset of Sleep and the Speed of Light

Geometric Visuals

We can learn visual meditation and open up the visual cortex to experience light as it illuminates from within the brain.

Everyone can see light patterns at the onset of sleep, as well as when waking up. This interim brainwave state reveals the shift from light perceived external to the eye to light generated by the eye. This is light generated by the visual cortex, or the light within the brain itself. In the morning we see our world bathed in sunlight, and we understand light as a form of radio wave, where radio essentially means to radiate. We understand that light has travelled from the sun at the speed of light. We refer to many phenomena in conjunction with the speed of light, the simple “c” at the heart of many mathematical equations, 299,792,458 meters per second.

Radio waves mean waves that radiate. Light is a radio wave or radiation.

We believe that light radiating from the sun, which is made of hydrogen and helium, travels at 299 million meters per second. But light has no mass. It is energy, not a thing. So does a single photon really travel to earth? And does that photon enter the eye?

We refer to photons as particle-like behavior of light. We call the particles quanta in that they are “quantifiable” and can be counted as singular phenomena. None of our light models really focus on light as it is processed by photoreceptors. And none at all focus on light as it is emitted by biolumiscent organisms. The latter we usually think of as issuing from fireflies or plankton. But what about the light of dreams or the pre-dream phenomena between wakefulness and sleep? Where does that light come from?

Hydrogen, the simplest element, is a metal, and it has a hexagonal crystal shape.

In fact, all elements display cubic hexagonal shapes. We see such geometric shapes when we close our eyes, which are fundamentally comprised of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen.

If light is emitted from the visual cortex during dreams or hypnagogic pre-dreams, is it also travelling at the speed of light?

Stay tuned…

Does light in the brain travel at the speed of light?


ASTRAL DIVING 3: Does Light Travel at the Speed of Light in the Brain?


Astral Diving 1: Light and the Brain